The following is a slightly edited version of the abstract to a study conducted and published by several physicians from the Neurosurgery and Neurology Institute, in Havana, Cuba. My own experiences with a stroke patient confirm these findings. At a later date we will publish an interview with the stroke patient on this blog. He has gained a lot of his faculties back, and as he himself is a naturopathic doctor, is also very eager to share his views and experiences. For the more science oriented of our readers the abstract below can give the necessary information to evaluate personal experience in the light of actual test results. The slight editing in the wording of the abstract was applied for the sole purpose of enhanced readability.
“Cerebrovascular disease predominates in the middle and late years of life and its incidence increases with age, affecting many people. Cerebral ischemia is caused by reduction in blood flow that last for several seconds or a few minutes. If the cessation of flow lasts for more than a few minutes, a brain tissue infarction occurs.
There are many treatments for ischemic stroke such as, antiplatelet agents, anticoagulation therapy, thrombolysis and rehabilitation. However, right now the patients who have suffered from a stroke also need a new therapeutic tool that can improve their life quality.
As far as the biological activity is concerned ozone can be very effective in treating the after effects of a stroke. Such treatments increase the endogenous antioxidant defense system and preserve the cell redox state. They enhance the erythrocyte life quality and can modulate the immune system.
A study to this end was conducted at the Neurosurgery and Neurology National Institute, in Havana, Cuba, which had been designed to evaluate the effect of an ozone/oxygen mixture in the neurological and biochemistry parameters present in stroke patients.
We selected 180 patients suffering from strokes with a aterothrombotic, hemodynamic and cardioembolic etiology, in an acute state. These patients were submitted to clinical hematological and imagenological tests, conducted both at the beginning and at the end of the study. From this group 90 patients received a treatment that combined conventional medication, with additional 20 daily rectal insufflations of 200 ml of ozone at a concentration of 40mg/L. The other 90 patients received only conventional medication.
At he end of the study, the ozone group showed better results than the control group. 87% of the ozone group patients from hemiplegic to hemiparesic state; 80% improved with respect to motor-sensory aphasia; 100% showed lower cholesterol levels; 95% normalized glycemia levels; and 98% showed normal LDH level.
Therefore, this study of only 20 days demonstrated that ozone therapy could act as a useful treatment modality when the aim is to reduce the after effects of cerebral infarction. The 90 patients of the ozone group throughout showed better test results at the conclusion of the study when compared with the patients who had exclusively been treated with standard medication.”
The study was conducted by: Pablo Castillo, Jose Loius Calunga, Sylvia Menendez, Carmen Barroso and Tomasa Carbonel