Tackling Diabetes with Ozone & Chelation


Tackling diabetes?  From the ordinary viewpoint the headline makes no sense.  Because, according to common understanding, such is not even possible, as diabetes is thought of as a chronic medical condition.  In other words: Although we can manage or control it to a certain degree, the condition is considered irreversible and is said to last a lifetime. 

When occurring in adults, diabetes usually starts in late middle age.  The body becomes glucose intolerant because of insufficient insulin from the pancreas.  At some point the condition has to be treated medically.  With the years the body becomes used to the medicines and needs more, until finally the medicines wear out their usefulness altogether and, at the end of the continuous spiral downward, insulin injections will have to be given for the patient to stay alive.  This is the common course of events.  Managing diabetes type II is for most anything but a pleasure.  With the ordinary approach, there are just too many complications that keep getting worse.

There is no miracle on the horizon either.  From my experience with treating diabetes patients, ozone and chelation do not act like the proverbial magic wand, but they do at least achieve a very important aim: They can halt the downward spiral.  They can manage diabetes to the degree that it stops spinning out of control.  In most cases the patient actually gets better, and feels much better as well.  How is this achieved?

Most of the diabetic complications result from impairment of blood circulation through the arteries.  Both big and small blood vessels are afflicted, which can lead to the loss of vision, heart disease, kidney problems, nerve dysfunction and gangrenous limbs.  Patients often have difficulty digesting fats such as cholesterol and triglycerides, and their arteries stand to thicken and harden.  Moreover the little blood that reaches the tissues cannot deliver appropriate amounts of oxygen.  This oxygen deficiency is the key factor in most diabetic complications.

When an ozone/oxygen mixture is introduced into the blood it activates the oxygen delivery system, and blood circulation starts to improve gradually.  Ozone also activates the cellular metabolism, thus increasing the cells’ need for glucose.  In other words, the cells start to regain their insulin sensitivity.  Now, more sugar can enter into the cells, thus reducing overall sugar levels.  In this regard, the infusion of ozone into the blood stream has effects similar to vigorous exercise.  This decreases the blood’s viscosity.  The blood, therefore, can more easily flow through even the smallest blood vessels; which is one way, in which ozone helps.  There are many others.

Chelation has an additional positive effect.  Apart from improving the blood flow through the vessels it helps to remove heavy metals from the body.  For example, excess arsenic is a likely contributing factor to diabetes.  This can be concluded from studies that established a likely connection between the arsenic content in drinking water and the frequency of diabetes mellitus in the area where such arsenic content was measured.  Statistical data appear to support the connection.

In conclusion we might therefore state that ozone and chelation are suitable treatment modalities for managing diabetes.  They are even ideal in the sense that they rigorously contain the further development of the complications usually associated with the disease.

Copyright 2011. All rights reserved.
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