But EDTA does even more, as it enhances the self-purging mechanisms of the cell. In their book Everything You Should Know About Chelation Therapy Dr. Morton Walker & Hitendra Shah describe, how.
“Lysomes are small structures inside the cells that help flush a cell of its waste products, similar to the action of a toilet in the home. When toxic trace metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, or excess levels of calcium or zinc block the lysomal membrane, the function of the lysome will be blocked, too. Intracellular lysome function may have been impaired by the accumulation of intracellular heavy or toxic metals over the years at the lysomal membrane. Chelation therapy cleans from the lysome an accumulation of unwanted waste, which may be impairing lysomal function. Blockage contributes to the development of many chronic degenerative diseases such as arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lateral sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and more. Removal of these heavy metals will allow the lysome (the cell septic system) to detoxify more efficiently – even to improve myocarditis due to lead poisoning.”
“… Any toilet that becomes stopped-up begins to back up. Like a septic system, lysomal membranes that are blocked cannot get rid of toxic materials. Because EDTA is an amino acid, it does not just float in the blood stream, but it also profuses through the tissues, the capillary bed and the tissue fluids, pulling out toxic metals from the trillions of cells of the body. When EDTA gets near a cellular membrane, it binds with any toxic divalent mineral, which is a heavy metal such as lead, tin, mercury and others that are impairing membrane function and contributing to free-radical damage and lipid per-oxidation of these important cellular membranes. The chelating agent pulls out that toxic mineral. Toxins are then floated from the cell by osmosis because there is a greater concentration inside the cell than outside, and that toxin eventually will be excreted from the kidneys. EDTA, therefore, is a membrane stabilizer, which works differently than vitamin E and is potentially more powerful.”