Dr. Shikha: About Myself


About me? Hmm… I was asked to write a few lines about me to be published in the blog.  Something that would also shed light on the way I work with clients. 

Somehow this does not come easy. Basically, I do not like to talk about myself. I’d rather do my work; communicate through that, or directly to the patient in a one-on-one situation.  Anyway, my degrees are published as bio on our website.  Not that these degrees define who I really am in any way.  But people want to know.

What can I tell apart from that?   May be that I work as a doctor not only by profession but rather with a passion.  I love my work. I even loved the time during my different hospital stints, like at the Goa Medical College in Bambolim where I worked in anesthesia for a few months.  I was still chirpy and positive even at the end of a 36-hour shift; full of energy.  This is only possible when one is happy with oneself AND loves to be with patients.  I talked to some of them, went to see them in their rooms after the operation even tough such was hardly part of my job description.  But patients are not merely patients, are they.  They are people.  Human beings.

Then you may ask, how come that as a graduate of a medical college and full- fledged doctor I use alternative methods?  The answer is simple: because they help the patient.  Besides, I haven’t given up on the allopathic approach.  I prescribe medications when I feel they are needed.  The reservation is only that in many ill-defined conditions commonly prescribed medications alone do not do much good; likewise in cases of long-term degenerative illness. In these cases they are ineffective in and of themselves.  This is not just my experience.  There are plenty of statistics to prove the point.

On the other hand, I have by now seen time and again how the allopathic approach and my approach of detoxification medicine, or rejuvenation medicine do indeed successfully complement each other.  Most articles and feedback from clients published in this blog confirm this.  Plus we are sharing other doctors’ experiences, other peoples’ studies. 

Healthy Healing is not merely an idea. It works.  For example in acute infections of wounds: patients who have a strong immune system can be treated simply with topical applications of different forms of ozone and recover very quickly; you clean the wound thoroughly, you apply ozone for example in oil form – and it heals.  Ozone oil or bagging are actually better medicine than most other creams and ointments.  Whereas in patients who have a weak immune system the healing takes too long when ozone alone is used.  In these cases the healing is fast only when combined with a proper antibiotic.  Yet, ozone does make a difference because it shortens the course in antibiotics, which is good for the patient and his future immunity.  Come to think of it, I should write an article about this, exploring the matter in greater detail.

So, you can see: I prefer a multi-pronged approach. As I said, I like doing what I am doing, in fact a lot more than talking about it.  Therefore, if it were not for Choyin Dorje, the writer who coaxes these pieces out me, the blog would not exist.  Indeed a loss, because more and more appear to enjoy reading it.

I guess that’s pretty much all that I have to say about myself at this point.  Oh, and I like good food, from different cuisines, even more so because I don’ seem gain weight.  You may have also gathered from the above, that there is a lot of focus in my life, yet with a light touch.  Time off is important.  Sitting at the beach and looking at the waves or the sunset, this nourishes the soul, gives strength.  I found that the light touch with a dose of humor works well for me in my work with others.        

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