How Ozone Dismantles Viruses


This article was first posted in March.  We consider the information important enough to re-post it again, today.

Now to the description as to how ozone (again in general terms) addresses the threat of viruses and acts to neutralize them:

“…Much like a boat, which lists when a strong gust of wind hits the sails and eventually rights itself due to heavy ballast, an infusion of tri-atomic oxygen or ozone will right an otherwise healthy system with a severe viral load and bring it back into balance.”

“Because it is a gas, ozone offers a distinctive advantage over other anti viral agents.  An immediate dispersion of any gas occurs when it is administered to a liquid.  Upon contact it creates an instantaneous reaction in the entire volume of fluid.  Due to the physical laws that govern fluid-to-fluid dynamics, however, the reaction is entirely different, if a fluid such as food grade hydrogen peroxide is added to the blood.  This is, because it mixes with the fluid being treated much more slowly, and thus the effect is not immediate.  In addition, at the point where the two fluids first come together or interface, the concentration of chemicals is extremely high and potentially toxic.”

“Ozone possesses one more specific quality that makes it such a potent agent to re-establish health: the therapist can calibrate it in a way that it takes the power away from virions, but remains innocuous to normal cells.  Unlike virions, cells possess protective enzymes (catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutothione), which protect them from oxidation.  Viral envelopes, on the other hand, which consist of lipids and glyco-proteins, are highly vulnerable to ozone’s ability to oxidize harmful free radicals.  Naked viruses are even more susceptible to ozone’s capacity to engender oxidation.  When exposed to tri-atomic oxygen, the capsid, or protein coating is adulterated and loses its ability to shield the nucleic acid core of the naked virus.” 

But it even gets better:

“One of ozone’s greatest benefits to someone who suffers from a severe viral invasion, is its indirect ability to support the entire body in creating large numbers of antigens from the fragments left over from the oxidizing process.” 

“In fact, mature virions as well as destroyed fragments have a one of a kind antigenic structure (an antigen is a substance capable of stimulating the production of antibodies).  As a result the immune system is then capable of manufacturing antibodies specific to the particular virus.  Ozone has many benefits. One of the greatest of these is, that if it is used before applying other forms of treatment, which actually destroy the immune system (such as AZT in HIV cases),

It can provide the recipient with the chance of supporting his or her body in making its own individual auto-vaccine, to counter the specific type of virus contained in it.” 

“This is such an incredible and almost miraculous quality that one wonders why so few people have picked up on it.  Therefore, at this juncture it is worthwhile to pause to let the content of this revolutionary statement sink in, by putting it in slightly different words: 

Tri-atomic oxygen has the power to trigger in the recipient the very agents that can serve as self-generated individual immunizers to further counter the virus, which is already in the process of being disarmed by its oxidizing action.” 

“This fact is absolutely mind-boggling and is therefore in danger of being dismissed as a false claim or at the very least, as being greatly exaggerated.  It is not. Ozone’s capacity in this regard has been verified in tests and in the actual treatment of disease already more than several million times over!  Yes, there is a simple way to balance out any viral invasion and to simultaneously create auto-immunity with the very same treatment!”

In case you wish to follow up by reading more, we suggest the following article available on the net:

However, with all this being said, we do need to caution against viewing ozone as a cure-all. Despite its many good characteristics that are the cause for the author’s enthusiasm regarding her subject, any physician when applying ozone needs to use it judiciously

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