They say that an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure – to the potential victim at least. On the other hand, for those manufacturing the means to the cure the pound, logically and by force of numbers, would yield greater profit than the ounce. From this perspective, the old saying likewise gives us a clue to a clear understanding of what is wrong with our present-day so-called ‘health-care’ industry, which is geared to combating disease rather then preventing it. As it therefore has been also often said, the ‘health-care industry’ should rather be renamed or re-branded as “Disease Care Industry”. By the virtue of its approach it is focused on the disease, not on the health of the patient.
“Mortality from Cancer was reduced 90 percent during an 18-year follow-up of 59 patients treated with calcium-EDTA. Only one of 59 treated patients (1.7%) died of cancer, while 30 of 172 non-treated control subjects (17.6%) died of cancer. Death from atherosclerosis was also reduced. Treated patients had no evidence of cancer at the time of entry into this study. Observations relate only to long term prevention of death from malignant disease., if chelation therapy is begun before clinical evidence of cancer occurs. Controls and treated patients lived in the same neighborhood, adjacent to a heavily traveled highway in a small Swiss city. Both groups were exposed to the same amount of lead from automobile exhaust, industrial pollution, and other carcinogens. Exposure to carcinogens was no greater for the studied population than exists in most other metropolitan areas throughout the world. Statistical analysis showed EDTA chelation therapy to be the only significant difference between controls and treated patients to explain the marked reduction in cancer mortality.”
Naturally, at Healthy Healing Center, we are also treating symptoms and diseases. People come and see us when they have a problem. But our basic approach is that of preventive medicine. From which follows that even a good portion of our clients comes, not because they are sick, but because they want to stay healthy. They receive what they wish for.
How so, for example is illustrated by a long-term Swiss study, conducted between 1961 and 1976. Dr. med. W. Blumer and Elmar Cranton MD published it under the title “Ninety Percent Reduction in Cancer Mortality after Chelation Therapy”, in A Textbook on EDTA Chelation Therapy, released by Hampton Roads, Charlottesville, Virginia, 2001. In the following we will simply quote from the study and allow for the reader to draw their own conclusion.

Naturally, efforts were made to discover flaws in the study, thereby discrediting its findings. But the evidence remained irrefutable. “The treated group did not include a greater proportion of persons who were less exposed to carcinogens in their occupations or who spent more time away from the heavily congested highway during the day. Analysis of occupational data and location during the day showed no differences between the two groups. Occupational and environmental exposures to potential carcinogens were the same in both groups. No significant differences existed in age distribution between treated patients and controls. There were no significant socio-economic differences between treated and untreated persons. Cancer mortality was independent of monetary income.”
Furthermore, “Following preliminary communication of these data, the committee responsible for the surveillance of the air quality in Switzerland scrutinized the results using a different statistical method. They found a higher incidence of death from cancer in the untreated group than in the population of Switzerland as a whole. The fact than an identical group treated with EDTA experienced a subsequent 90 percent reduction in cancer mortality, as well as a reduction in death from all causes was also confirmed.” Which is a fact that should astonish us! Because it infers that in an area more polluted than other areas and with a higher rate of mortality from cancer than the average in the country, the treated group fell less prone to cancer than even people who lived in healthier environments at the time! EDTA chelation erased the negative environmental impact.
Therefore, “Evidence presented in this paper indicates that:
- EDTA removes cancer causing or promoting substances from the body, and
- Those substances are correlated with environmental pollution…”