We could say that through chelation and ozone Paul in all likelihood managed to add a few more years to his life. However, even more important to him is that undeniable fact that he also added life to the years - happiness, freedom of movement, and tons of vitality.
I am retired, 66 years old, male living partly in the UK, Germany and Goa. I was diagnosed type 11 diabetic in 1984. I was first started on a diet and then went onto medication. 1x4mg glimepiride plus 3x850mg metformin per day. At the same time it was found that I suffered from high blood pressure. My medication for high blood pressure was 10mg rampril, 50mg atenolol and for cholesterol 20mg of simvastin.
Some five years ago my wife passed away after suffering from cancer. At the time we were living in Goa. I went back to the UK to be with my daughters, whilst in the UK I had a nasty accident and smashed my 4 & 5th vertebrae, this took along operation to put right, and the vertebrae was held together by a wire mesh. I was paralyzed for a few months, lost three and a half stone and my strength ( I worked out with weights for many years). I learnt to walk again and started to build up my strength and muscles again. This accident left me with many problems, poor balance, dizzy spells, tingling and numbness in my fingers and feet, stiff fingers, to name a few.
A few years ago I married a lovely German lady who had also lost her partner. We spend some of our time in Germany. Two years ago whilst in Germany I visited the doctor for a medical check up. The doctor found a mark on my back and sent me to a skin specialist, tests showed that I had melanoma stage three and it was malignant. This resulted in an operation on my back and a large area was taken out plus the lymph nodes from under my left armpit. I was put on an 18-month course of interferon, which really screwed me up both mentally and physically. The side effects from this drug are horrendous and are too many to list (I suffered from most of them), Some time after a sonar scan showed that the arteries in my neck were plaquing up, and would need attention at a later date. My wife and I left Germany to spend the winter months at our apartment in Goa. At this time the dizzy spells got worse.
In Goa a friend gave me a brochure on a "Healthy Healing Center" which was using a western therapy/healing process with Chelation and Oxygen. I had nothing to loose, so I went for the therapy, during the three and a half months period I had 14 oxygen and 15 chelation sessions which is given by IV (Intra Venous) into the arm.
The results were astonishing I have halved my medication for diabetes, my sugar levels are normal before meals and 2 hours after. Plus my blood pressure is now within the permitted range for normal. I take only 10mg of Rampril. I experience no more dizzy spells, the tingling etc. in my feet and hands plus my balance is OK and I have got over the side effects from the Interferon and a big plus is that my sex life is back to normal.
Dr. Shikha many thanks to you and the treatment for giving me my life back.
Some five years ago my wife passed away after suffering from cancer. At the time we were living in Goa. I went back to the UK to be with my daughters, whilst in the UK I had a nasty accident and smashed my 4 & 5th vertebrae, this took along operation to put right, and the vertebrae was held together by a wire mesh. I was paralyzed for a few months, lost three and a half stone and my strength ( I worked out with weights for many years). I learnt to walk again and started to build up my strength and muscles again. This accident left me with many problems, poor balance, dizzy spells, tingling and numbness in my fingers and feet, stiff fingers, to name a few.
A few years ago I married a lovely German lady who had also lost her partner. We spend some of our time in Germany. Two years ago whilst in Germany I visited the doctor for a medical check up. The doctor found a mark on my back and sent me to a skin specialist, tests showed that I had melanoma stage three and it was malignant. This resulted in an operation on my back and a large area was taken out plus the lymph nodes from under my left armpit. I was put on an 18-month course of interferon, which really screwed me up both mentally and physically. The side effects from this drug are horrendous and are too many to list (I suffered from most of them), Some time after a sonar scan showed that the arteries in my neck were plaquing up, and would need attention at a later date. My wife and I left Germany to spend the winter months at our apartment in Goa. At this time the dizzy spells got worse.
In Goa a friend gave me a brochure on a "Healthy Healing Center" which was using a western therapy/healing process with Chelation and Oxygen. I had nothing to loose, so I went for the therapy, during the three and a half months period I had 14 oxygen and 15 chelation sessions which is given by IV (Intra Venous) into the arm.
The results were astonishing I have halved my medication for diabetes, my sugar levels are normal before meals and 2 hours after. Plus my blood pressure is now within the permitted range for normal. I take only 10mg of Rampril. I experience no more dizzy spells, the tingling etc. in my feet and hands plus my balance is OK and I have got over the side effects from the Interferon and a big plus is that my sex life is back to normal.
Dr. Shikha many thanks to you and the treatment for giving me my life back.