CoQ10 Potential Use in Heart Conditions


From the existing literature and based on research results Coenzyme Q10 is indicated in the treatment of the following conditions, certainly as an additive, sometimes even exclusively:

  1. Angina Pectoris
  2. Unstable anginal syndrome
  3. Myocardial preserving agent during mechanical or pharmacological     thrombolysis
  4. Myocardial preserving agent for cardiac surgery
  5. Congestive heart failure diastolic dysfunction
  6. Toxin induced cardio-toxicity (from Adriamycin)
  7. Essential reno-vascular hypertension
  8. Ventricular arrhythmia
  9. Mitral valve prolapse
  10. Oxidation of LDL (as a preventive measure)

It was a long journey from the first discovery of CoQ10 deficiency in human heart disease, by Dr. Karl Folkers and Littaru in 1972, finally leading to the inclusion of coenzyme Q10 in textbooks of mainstream cardiology in 1997. 

Even a Nobel Prize was given for a discovery regarding CoQ10.  Peter Mitchell received in 1978 for his discovery of CoQ10 and energy transfer.

At Healthy Healing Center, we prescribe it both as supplement for prevention as well as for the treatment of heart conditions in some chelation patients.

By the way, Dr Karl Folkers was the best living proof and testimony to the effectiveness of the medicine he had discovered.  Born in 1906, he died in 1997.  What is more remarkable, however, than the old age that he achieved is the fact, that he achieved it with all his physical and mental capacities intact.  At age 90 he attended the 9th international conference on CoQ10, in Ancona, Italy, in 1996.  He never thought of retiring and was actively involved in CoQ10 research right to the end. 

Although he was trained by the pharmaceutical industry to develop drugs, Folkers had both the insight and foresight to use biochemical research as the basis for nutritional healing.

Copyright 2011. All rights reserved.
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