Modern Colon Hydrotherapy, or Colonic Irrigation


"Colon" is a medical term and refers to the large intestines.  "Hydrotherapy" is healing with the help of water.  Hence, colon hydrotherapy describes any cleansing and subsequent healing process of the large intestines with the aid of water.

Is Colon Hydrotherapy then just another word for the good old enema practice?  
Not quite.  Because in a modern state-of-the-art Colon Hydrotherapy session the benefits are much greater than those achieved with the help of an enema. Enema cleansings are restricted to the rectum and the lower sigmoid area (the end part of the colon).  The water cannot reach any deeper simply because the body’s natural reflexes set in right away to expel any foreign element.  No matter how much water you use in a colon cleanse according to the old fashioned enema approach you will no clean the deeper parts of the large intestinal tract.  In conjunction with an enema, the only way to reach there is with the help of herbal, or other colon-cleansing agents.

Present day Colon Hydrotherapy is different.  It is also called Colonic Irrigation, or in a short Colonic, because it uses a modern machine that has the capacity to irrigate, or fill with water the entire length of the large intestinal tract, including the transverse and even ascending colon.

The device employs a multi-stage water purification system and individual disposables, which eliminate the chance for any possible contamination of the client from a previous treatment.  Modern Colon Hydrotherapy machines are closed systems. They make sure that the waste material is discreetly transported into the drain without offensive odor, and without the client losing his dignity.

Each Colonic lasts about 45 minutes, although I have worked with some of my clients for up to sixty minutes on the treatment table to guide them through moments of resistance or psychological withholding.  This is sometimes needed, which is why the therapist or physician administering the treatment needs to be able to respond to individual need. It is a sensitive job and requires a great deal of sensitivity.

In the course of a session on the average 80 to 120 liters of water will be transported in and out of the large intestinal tract. This helps to eliminate fecal matter that may have been retained in the colon for months or even years.

Just one Colonic Irrigation treatment can be equivalent to 20 to 30 ordinary bowl movements.  Subsequent treatments have an even deeper impact, as they tend to dislodge older, hardened feces from the large intestinal walls – thus helping the body to again digest and metabolize food properly.

The therapeutic benefits are manifold and will described in greater detail at a later date.

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