Phase-Down of Silver Amalgam Fillings


What is common practice in Europe, where in several Scandinavian countries, dental amalgam filing have been outlawed for years, now seems to have started even in the US, where a phasing down of their use was announced.  The following article by Peggy Steele was first published by NaturalNews in May 2011.  As it is of interest to the chelation community, it is republished here.

After decades of denial about the toxicity of amalgam fillings, the United States government has announced its support of a "phase down" of mercury amalgam fillings. In addition to support for the immediate "phase out," the U.S. spoke up for protecting children and the unborn from amalgam and recommended that nations educate patients and parents in order to protect children and fetuses. The U.S. also defends the human right of every patient and parent to make educated decisions about amalgam. It calls for the development of affordable, viable alternatives. While commendable on the surface, some think this is insincere doublespeak.

Charles G. Brown, president of the World Alliance for Mercury-free Dentistry, applauded this move by the government. He plans to broadcast the U.S. position to other governments around the world and encourage them to support the phase downs - leading to phase-outs globally.

Leo Cashman, executive director, Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions (DAMS), is less impressed with the announcement to "phase down" the use of amalgam fillings. He finds the government document devious and dishonest because composite 
dental fillings are already a viable alternative to amalgams. He says they would be affordable if they were fully covered by private insurance policies and government programs (which they currently are not.)

Rather than a phase down of amalgam fillings, Cashman calls for an outright ban. He said, "There should be no paragraph in the treaty that discusses dental amalgam fillings separately so as to effectively escape from being included with other mercury products in a ban."

The controversy over amalgam fillings has been ongoing for some time. In 1991 the World health Organization (WHO) acknowledged the predominant source of human exposure to mercury is fillings. Retired European scientist, Poul Moller found that mercury poisoning was the cause of 
health problems in his own family. In a 2002 report to the EU Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection on the dangers of continued use of mercury in dental fillings he said, "mercury in vaccines and fillings has been linked to chronic diseases in the elderly and the young, such as autism and Alzheimer's. In fact, it has been shown to affect every organ in the body."

The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) has produced a video, Smoking Teeth = Poison Gas, that shows mercury vapor coming off a tooth that was extracted 25 years before the making of the video. The voice-over intones, "Mercury vapor comes off fillings every time you stimulate them through chewing, brushing, grinding, and dental exams."

The video tells us experiments on sheep and monkeys showed substantial quantities of mercury spread to every organ in the animals' bodies just 30 days after receiving silver amalgam fillings. Further research revealed bacteria that were antibiotic resistant in the intestines within two weeks of receiving the fillings. Studies also found damage to brain proteins.

On April 18, 2006 after a five-year study, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) came to the amazing conclusion silver amalgam fillings for 
children were "safe."

Two years later in June 2008, the American Food and Drug Administration (
 FDA) conceded after settling a lawsuit with several consumer advocacy groups that amalgam fillings containing mercury may cause health problems with pregnant women, children and fetuses. As part of the settlement, the FDA agreed to alert consumers about potential risks on its website - and to issue new rules in July 2009 for fillings that contain mercury.

The U.S. government now supports the phase-out of silver amalgam fillings. Are they talking out of both sides of their mouths in order to hoodwink the public - or moving toward an outright ban?

Copyright: Healthy Healing & Peggy Steele, 2011

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