EDTA Chelation Therapy- Potential Benefits


The benefits of chelation are manifold.  Here is a list, which gives a clue.  However, to be rid of only one of these symptoms and conditions, to the patient means much more than merely chalking off an item from a list. 
It translates into freedom from pain, freedom from restrictions, freedom from impediments. In short, it translates into a better quality of life. It makes life enjoyable rather than a burden.
1.      Prevents cholesterol deposits
2.      Reduces blood cholesterol levels
3.      Lowers high blood pressure
4.      Avoids by-pass surgery
5.      Avoids angioplasty
6.      Reserves digitalis toxicity
7.      Removes calcium from atherosclerotic plaques
8.      Dissolves intra-arterial blood clots
9.      Normalizes cardiac arrythmia
10.   Has an anti-aging effect
11.   Reduces excessive heart contractions
12.   Increases intracellular potassium
13.   Reduces heart irritability
14.   Improves heart function
15.   Removes mineral and drug deposits
16.   Dissolves kidney stones
17.   Reduces serum iron levels
18.   Reduces heart valve calcification
19.   Reduces varicose veins
20.   Heals calcified necrotic ulcers
21.   Reduces intermittent claudication
22.   Improves vision in diabetic retinopathy
23.   Decreases macular degeneration
24.   Dissolves small cataracts
25.   Eliminates heavy metal toxicity
26.   Makes arterial walls more flexible
27.   Prevents osteoarthritis
28.   Reduces rheumatoid arthritis symptoms
29.   Lowers diabetics' insulin needs
30.   Reduces Alzheimer-like symptoms
31.   Reverses senility
32.   Reduce stroke/heart attack after-effects
33.   Prevents cancer
34.   Improves memory
35.   Reverses diabetic gangrene
36.   Restores impaired vision
37.   Detoxifies snake and spider venoms

Adapted from Walker M., Gordon G., Douglass W.C. The Chelation Answer

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