Welcome Back & Welcome to the Year of the Water Dragon


We are happy to announce that we are returning from a long break and now are looking forward to again start sharing new posts with our readers regularly.  The Healthy Healing Goa Center BlogSpot had become quite popular before we went off line in mid-November last year, after which time only a few old articles were reposted.  It will be difficult to regain the same reader interest quickly, but we will work at it.  

As before, our aim is to promote happy & healthy living by informing about the benefits of integrative medicine, a medicine which is open-minded and uses different approaches, including traditional allopathic medication, for the patient to get well – and stay well.  Integrative medicine puts the patient’s wellbeing first, rather than being submissive to any kind of medical orthodoxy, which latter does the opposite by valuing textbooks higher than people.   

As the term suggests, integrative medicine is inclusive.  It does not adhere to one particular worldview, or doctrine with regards to medical care.  Rather than excluding certain therapies because they are not part and parcel of limited textbook wisdom, integrative medicine includes them.  We probably don’t need to mention that we are not talking untried esoteric methods, here.  The therapies that we are alluding to are not new inventions.  They all have a proven track record, and a vast body of literature in many different languages testifying to their mode of operation, and what is more important: to their therapeutic success for the benefit of the patient.

So stay with us and stay tuned.  We will again share our insights and insights from other authors about chelation therapy, ozone therapy, colon hydrotherapy, nutritional supplementation as well as other modalities that all help detoxify and rejuvenate both body and mind.

According to both the Chinese and Tibetan calendars, the world and we all with it have just entered the year of the Water Dragon.  This heralds change.  May it be for the better – and for the benefit of all beings.

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