Benefits of Ozone Therapy - Four Short Case Histories


The following four case histories are from the Healthy Healing files.  They unfolded at different times, over the years.  Most treatment plans involved more than just ozone applications.  According to our integrative approach they made use of diet, exercise, nutritional supplementation and in one case intra-venous chelation therapy as well.  All four treatment plans yielded more than just only some measure of success.   

Case 1:  Chiara - Open Wound and Ulcer

Chiara, age 49 years presented with an ulcer of about 5 cm in diameter and an induration of 10 cm around on her right buttock.   The wound had originated from a mosquito bite and had been growing for the last one week in spite of application of local antibiotics and dressings.

Advised ozone bagging and dressings using ozone oil once a day for as long as it takes the wound to heal. Also prescribed to her antioxidants and multi-mineral tablets to help boost her immune system.

Healing Process
Day 1 of treatment: The wound is infected, full of necrotic debris and very tender.  Diameter of the mouth is 5cm and induration measures 10 cm.

Day 3: The wound shows signs of granulation tissue.  Infection has decreased to less than 20% of the first day.  Diameter of the mouth is 2.5 cm and the induration is now approx. 5 cm in diameter.

Day 6: The wound has started to form a scab and measures about 0.5 cm in its mouth and induration is palpable at the periphery of the ulcer about 2 cm in diameter.

Day 10: The wound has closed, completely scabbed over. Induration is only at the edges now.

Case 2: Past Chemotherapy and surgery for uterine cancer.

Neera, 51 years presented with extreme debilitation following three surgeries and 5 sessions of chemotherapy for grade 3 uterine cancer.

Advised intra-venous ozonated saline solution infusion in alteration with auto-hemo therapy for 15 days before going for the next round of chemotherapy;
along with nutritional supplementation.

Healing Process:
Day 1: The patient is unable to stand without support, is constantly nauseous, Blood pressure is 90/60, pulse 90/minute.

Day 2: she slept better after a long time. Breathing came easier. She felt hungry for the first time after last course of chemotherapy.

Day 5: Neera now is able to take a walk for about a kilometer. She feels energized and stronger than before.

Day 10: Blood pressure is 110/70; pulse is 76/minute strong and regular.  Neera is eating well, sleeping well and has almost fully recovered from the effects of chemotherapy.

Case 3: Jeffrey, 60 years old, presented with the complaint of an open sinus in the right thigh just above the knee.

On being asked, explained that two years ago, he had an accident and broke his femur at three places.  A plate was fixed with his bone to keep the bone together. Ever since then, a sinus has formed that oozes liquid continuously and refuses to heal in spite of all the treatments taken.

Treatment Plan:
7 to 10 sessions of intra-venous ozonated saline infusion, plus local treatment using ozone bagging and ozone oil applications.

Healing Process:
Day 1: The wound is about 0.5 cm in diameter at its opening and the steel plate can be seen through it.  There is no sign of granulation tissue or active infection. The margins of the wound as well as the walls of the sinus show signs of chronic inflammation. There is no pain; only mild tenderness.

Day 3: Oozing of serum has decreased and a hint of granulation tissue can be seen.

Day 7: The wound has dried out completely. The sinus is filling up.

Day 15: The sinus has fully closed.

Case 4: Deepak, 66years, presented with h/o constant dizziness following surgery and one and six months of interferon therapy for stage 2 melanoma on his back.

Deepak is a type two diabetic, and a hypertensive, on medications for the last 5 years. The sugar levels with medications range between 130 FBS to 240 PPBS. The blood pressure is on an average 140/90.

Treatment plan:
The condition is so severe that only a long-term commitment to treatment will have the beneficial affect that is being sought.  Advised intra-venous infusions of ozonated saline solution and intra-venous chelation therapy using NaMg EDTA. In addition suggested a diet plan and a life style modification.

Day 1: Patient is very skeptical about the therapies and does not believe that they will help him, but for lack of alternatives is willing “to give it a try.”

Day2: The dizziness that constantly disabled him, has completely stopped after just one session of ozone therapy. This brought him a sense of relief and roused curiosity.

Day 15: Sugar levels have started to drop down to fasting 100, and after exercise to 60. PPBS has come down to 160.  Advised to decrease Metformin from 850 BD to 500 BD and Glimeperide fro 4 mg to 2 mgs.

Day 20:  Blood pressure has come down to a normal of 120/70. Asked to reduce Losar H from 50 mg OD to 25 mg OD.

Day 30: As blood pressure is going down to 100/70 on occasions, BP medication stopped.  Sugar levels are now at fasting between 90-116, and PP between 130-150. There has been no more dizzy spells and Deepak continues to constantly gain more strength and vigor.   

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