Ozonated Water for Detoxification


If you read the labels on most bottled waters for sale anywhere in the world you will find that, apart from having been filtered, in most cases it was also ozonized/ozonated, or in other words, treated with ozone.  Therefore, the writer and educator on holistic health Tom Harrelson hit the nail on the head when he stated. “Since the body is mostly water, and since ozone is used primarily throughout the world to neutralize and eliminate any chemicals or pathogens in the water supply. Then it stands to reason that ozone will also do the same for the water in your body, thus helping your body to clean and then heal itself more efficiently.”

The following two-part series on ozonated water in this blog will examine how it works and its benefits. Part I is dedicated to describe in a general fashion ozone’s action in the body and how ozonated water is prepared.  Part II will show how ozonated water can work as a therapeutic agent.

Let’s start out with the simple question, why ozonating water might be a good idea.  It is, because:

The root cause of hundreds of different diseases is hypoxia, or oxygen starvation at the cellular level, leading to internal toxicity. Ozone taken at home on a regular basis will, over time, safely clean all of the body fluids, and furnish an oxygen-rich environment for all the cells in the body. This will provide a much higher than average level of immunity from most common diseases.  By simply drinking an ample amount of ozonated water every day, you will increase oxygen levels throughout the body, and by raising the oxygen levels you strengthen immunity – even more so when the intake of ozonated water is accompanied by regular (but not necessarily strenuous) exercise to the keep the spine naturally upright, the muscles supple and the entire body naturally flexible

Ozone is a powerful therapeutic tool precisely because it deals with the underlying cause of the most common forms of gradual physical degeneration through both oxygenation and oxidation.

When we look at the workings of a cell from a very simple and broad perspective we can state that. Generally speaking, cells function by burning sugar in oxygen to provide energy.  The waste products of the process are carbon dioxide and water.  Insufficient oxygen at the cellular level incompletely burns sugar for energy production and carbon monoxide and lactic acid will be formed.  The body cannot easily rid itself of monoxide; it prevents hemoglobin from picking up fresh oxygen, and the body temperature is lowered. The lactic acid will build up in the system, clogging nerve signal pathways, eventually solidifying and causing degeneration.

More oxygen is required to come in and oxidize these toxins, but if it is not available, toxins continue to build up over time.  The blood will carry a heavy load of sludge, and subsequently toxins will be deposited in the fat and the lymph.  Disease is the result whether it be viral, bacterial, communicable, autoimmune or degenerative.  An oxygen rich environment for all the cells of your body is therefore highly suggested.  As stated in the beginning, ozone intake combined with exercise is a good way to achieve the aim.

Preparation of Ozonated Water
For this you need an ozone generator, medical grade oxygen, and of course, water, as well as a suitable container for the water.  In order to prepare a good quality product for yourself or your family, bubble ozone through one liter of water in a glass container (no plastic) for 15 minutes using a diffuser. (Diffuser brakes down gas molecule to small bubbles facilitating their even distribution and absorption).  It is absolutely essential that you use only medical grade oxygen and not simply the air in the room for ozonization because normal air contains many gases that will turn toxic when oxidized by the ozone in the oxygen/ozone gas mixture.

Ozonated water is completely safe to drink since O3 breaks down in water to H2O and Oxygen and none of the ozone remains in the water.

The stability of ozonated water depends largely on the temperature and also ionic contents and PH of the water.  The colder the water (refrigerated) the more ozone is absorbed and retained for a longer time. High amounts of contaminates will cause it to disintegrate at a faster rate.

Despite its highly purifying qualities the use of ozone does, however, not replace a water filter.  Ozone does not soften water or remove rust or calcium. Ozone also does not remove Fluoride from water. Ozone will only make some chemicals inert in water as it does chlorine.

Freshly prepared ozonated water absorbs maximum 20 mcg/ Ozone per ml of water.

Ozonating water makes the water sterile (free of bacteria and viruses), pure and tasty
Bubbling Ozone through water will not only make the best tasting water you've ever had, it will also be the purest.

Ozone kills 99.9% of all bacteria. Ozone kills E coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Fecal Streptococci, Salmonella choleraesuis, Bacillus subtillis, Aspergillus niger, Bacillus antracis.

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