Ozonated Water - Therapeutic Applications


When a mixture of medical grade oxygen & ozone from an ozone generator is run through a diffuser and into water, it imbues the water with life giving energy.  The importance of life giving energy in water is not spiritual sounding mumbo jumbo, but verifiable through your own experience.  First go and taste the tap water in most metro cities in the world, and then by comparison when you’re out hiking in nature taste the water you can drink from a brook at high altitude or from a mountain spring.  Your taste buds will confirm the truth of the claim.
Chemically water is considered to be an oxygen atom bound with two hydrogen atoms. The bond angle between the two hydrogen atoms is known to be variable, depending on the amount of energy in the molecule. Research has also shown that water whose bond angle is 101 degrees is 'dead' water, bereft of any life-giving energy.  A bond angle of 103 degrees corresponds to average water.  The highest energy obtainable in liquid water is a bond angle of 109.5 degrees, and this is attainable only, by ozonating cold water.  This water can well be put to therapeutic use.  For example it is used in holistic dentistry.  Here are the reasons why, as put forth by Professor Edward Lynch in 2003:

Ozonated water is useful in reducing the infections caused by oral microorganisms in dental plaque.
* Exposing dental plaque samples from human subjects to ozonated water, (4 mcg/ml) for 10 seconds, in vitro (outside body), almost no viable bacterial cells were detected.

* Ozonated water strongly inhibits accumulation of experimental dental plaque in vitro.

* Ozone destroys the niche in which acid-loving bacteria grow. It also breaks up their metabolites so the whole lesion is effectively sterilized.

* Ozone also destroys the protein coat over the lesion, which effectively 'protects' the niche.

* Ozone provides favorable condition for saliva to heal, which is important as saliva contains all the bio-available minerals the tooth needs to rematerialize.

In addition, ozonated water can be used as local treatment tool.  When Ozone is in the aqueous medium, the polar O3 molecule is surrounded by polar H2O molecule of the same structure and is in optimal position to act as a local treatment for inflammation, burns and other skin lesions.

The local application of O3 activates cellular metabolism, producing an increase in ATP and subsequent re-polarization of still redeemable cells within the close proximity of the lesion; particularly in the initial stages of inflammatory processes as edema formation.  Furthermore, ozonated water compresses produce rapid and considerable pain relief.

If you have access to an ozone generator and drink six to eight glasses of ozonated water per day, this will establish a high level of oxygenation in the body, and thereby assist ongoing detoxification.  Try and drink one liter of freshly prepared ozonated water first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach.  Start with one or two 200 ml glasses, and gradually increase the intake to five 200 ml glasses.

Ozonated water is helpful as a supplement in the treatment of the following diseases
Drinking Ozonated water
Local Treatment
Dental use
ankle sprain
Aphthous stomatitis
athlete's Foot
gastritis, indigestion
fresh/recent wounds
gum disease
burns - arms & legs
mouth ulcers
herpes zoster and simplex
wound treatment
viral infections
Pains due to bad peripheral blood circulation
disinfection after tooth
extraction & dental work

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