Detox through Integrative Medicine, Yoga & Relaxation Retreat to Boost Cell Health


The idea of and felt need for detox usually arises only once there is an awareness that something in one’s body or one’s life does not feel quite right – even though no conventional medical diagnosis can be established as to what might actually be wrong.  When we feel down and fatigued, or are suffering from what is labeled ‘the burnout or chronic fatigue syndrome’, when minor yet irritating problems are besetting us, the reason usually is in both the physical and emotional toxins that have accumulated in our system.  Then detoxification is the first step toward a return to vibrant health.

No doubt, detox IS the order of the day in our post-industrial, post-modern and stress-plagued age when media and multi-tasking are fragmenting our attention and cutting our soul into ever-smaller slivers!  “But what is the benefit”, you might ask, “of undergoing a detox protocol in the framework of a program based on integrative medicine, including ozone therapy in a pivotal role?”

The answer is: Because the program, albeit short is designed to promote cell health. – “Cell health?”,you ask,  “Why, should I be concerned about the health of my cells, instead of the whole body and whole person?”

At this point we will need to venture into some further explanations because not everyone will have the necessary background information at his or her fingertips, in order to swiftly connect the dots and make the connection between cell health, detoxification and the health of the whole person.

According to conventional physiology, the cell is the smallest functional unit of the body.  We each have approximately 75 Trillions of them.  When they are healthy, our tissues, organs and entire body are healthy.  Consequently our mind feels healthy, too.  When they are suffering from toxic overload and have thus become partially dysfunctional, all the larger units such as tissues and organs first need to work harder (as they have less functional cells), then become gradually more and more malfunctioning and finally fall ill.  In which case, we fall ill or, at least, feel depressed. – It is not the germs or any other pathogens that compromise our health at first, but the inability of diseased cells to deal with them.  Therefore, the health of the cell as the smallest unit determines the health of the larger units, such as organs or organ systems - and finally the health and wellbeing of whole body.

Having established this, the next question pops up, “How and in what ways can ozone therapy or a short 7-day program as a whole, promote cell health and thereby contribute to the prevention of further degeneration, premature aging and even disease?”  Simple: Once we understand the elements needed for perfectly functioning cells, the answer becomes obvious.  The needs of the cell are uncomplicated.  They are:

1.     A clean and adequate fluid environment both within and without the cell walls, with plenty of oxygen to break down the toxins and waste products

2.     Nourishment composed of approximately 50 different essential nutrients plus, again, oxygen in order to oxygenate or ‘fire’ the system into perfect working order

3.     The ability to communicate, for which intact DNA in the cell nucleus, as well as wholesome epigenetic messages from the intrapersonal, interpersonal and overall environment are required

Now, as to the 7-Day Integrative Medicine Detox Program that Healthy Healing Center Goa is offering, we have structured it in such a way that it fulfills all the needs for cell health – thereby contributing to your overall health and wellbeing:

1.     The ozone in the oxygen/ozone mixture delivered in ozone therapy sessions helps to break down toxins inside and outside of the cell walls

2.     Additional oxygen and supplementation provide the cells with proper nourishment

3.     Yoga and massages plus the overall retreat environment deliver wholesome epigenetic messages to the DNA in the cell nucleus, thus keeping healthy communication channels open, or reopening them.

Colon hydrotherapy is added for the obvious reason that toxic residues, once broken down in the cells throughout the body and processed by the excretory organs, tend to accumulate in the large intestines and need to be flushed out.  Such flushing will be helpful at any moment of time during the duration of the program.

For a relatively healthy person, a 7-Day Retreat will deliver all the elements for the participant to further build on for cell & whole person wellbeing.  However, such short programs cannot be viewed as a cure for more serious conditions.  They only may set a healing process in motion.  

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