The Emotional Aspects of Colon Hydrotherapy


HH-BLOG: A little over a year ago you added colon hydrotherapy to the list of treatments that you are offering.  What is the feedback from your clients so far?  Does it produce the desired relief and even weight loss?

DR SHIKHA: “Absolutely.”

HH-BLOG: Does the shortness of the answer then suggest that it is indeed a pretty simple and straightforward intervention achieving instantaneous results?

DR SHIKHA: “No.  Like everything a colon hydrotherapy session is a process; for some more easy than for others. The results are instantaneous yet everyone gets to them in their own individual way.”

HH-BLOG: Meaning?

DR SHIKHA: “That although there is an established step-by-step protocol as to how the treatment should be administered, each and every client receives it, deals with it differently, and therefore the procedure has to be approached with sensitivity. In some there is an element of fear or inhibition or reluctance to be vulnerable. For others no such emotions come up. I explain what is going to happen and they just go through with it.  The psychological reactions can vary greatly and thus may have an impact on the timing and the way the physiological reactions manifest.”

HH-BLOG: But still the procedure always remains the same according to what the book says?  The client is supine on the treatment table. A disinfected disposable speculum is gently inserted into the rectum, and then the colonic irrigation starts: water from a multistage filtering system passes into the colon and on the emptying cycle transports out the waste.  Everything is safe and hygienic and odor-free. Right?

DR SHIKHA: “Yes. But we need to understand that for some it might be a little scary to have a piece of plastic inserted in their rectum and subsequently water pumped through their colon.  And although medical science would not support such view the fact of the matter is that there are a lot of emotions stored in the gut, and in some cases these emotions come to the surface.  Science or not, it is for a reason that we colloquially refer to our “gut feelings”.  Well, for some a colon hydrotherapy session does not only transport the stored waste matter from their colon but simultaneously, allows the person to feel some of her suppressed gut feelings.  Some may even cry, or vent some frustration. It is in these instances, that particular sensitivity is required.” 

HH-BLOG: Are you saying that a colon hydrotherapy session can turn into some form of psychotherapy, and that a colon hydro therapist also needs to have some additional therapeutic skills?

DR SHIKHA: “No, this would not be appropriate. The only skill the therapist needs is the ability to guide different types of clients through the same process, according to their personal needs.  The therapist needs to have good verbal skills to reassure the client that everything is just part of the process. In addition, flexibility is required. Some clients are so tense that in the beginning they have difficulty to let the waste matter flow through the speculum.  I have had people asking me that they want to go to the toilet instead.  I let them go. Later things become easier.  One needs to give people space. 

HH-BLOG: In other words, the treatment protocol remains always the same, but the song and dance around it varies?

DR SHIKHA: “No, only if I were a cynic would state it that way. What I prefer to say, is that when the treatment series is complete, some people are happy and thank me because their potbelly is gone, and some others may thank me because they feel both physically and emotionally relieved.  One has to go with the person’s needs and allow them to be fulfilled.  The physiological benefits of weight loss, detoxification and removal of parasites are always the same, but people experience and express them differently.

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