Several months ago, two articles on the treatment of diabetes were posted on this blog. They were simply observations regarding the patients’ response to ozone and chelation, and how it changed their condition. Today, in order to back up our own findings with additional input, we want to point to experiences that other doctors had with the same or an approach similar to what we use at Healthy Healing Center, Goa. One is the preliminary report on a study conducted by the Angiology & Vascular Surgery Institute, the Ozone Research Center and Salvador Allende Hospital, in Havana, Cuba. The second is a case from the practice of Dr. Frank Shallenbereger of Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
“,,,The tissues become oxygen depleted, which explains why they have problems with gangrene and why they are unable to resist infections…. A prime reason the red blood cells in the diabetic’s blood are unable to release their oxygen is that a key molecule called 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3dpg) is in reduced supply. Under normal conditions, 2,3-dpg stimulates red blood cells, which carry oxygen to deliver it to the tissues; but if there is not enough of this molecule in the system, the red blood cells cannot deliver the oxygen… When you introduce ozone- that is more oxygen – into the blood, more 2,3- diphosphoglycerate is produced, and the oxygen delivery system and the efficiency of blood circulation start to improve.”
Unfortunately, the report from Cuba does not specify the number of patients involved in this particular study. It also makes clear that only ozone was used, without chelation. Yet, at least a control group was used with patients who did not receive ozone but only oxygen treatments. The findings speak for themselves, as the report states:
“Diabetic neuroangiopathy is characterized by a symmetric abdormition, paresthesia and sometimes painful dysesthesia of the feet. Its evolution is slow, but it can produce a strength loss and an important alteration of the sensibility of the legs. Taking into account the advantages that ozone therapy exerts in diseases related with blood circulation disturbances and oxygen reactive species, as well as considering the effects of ozone as a stimulant agent of the antioxidant system and a metabolic regulator, the aim of this study is to evaluate rectal ozone therapy in patients suffering of diabetic neuroangiopathy in comparison with a control group using oxygen.
“Electrophysiologic studies of nervous conduction (amplitude and latency potentials for sensitive and motor conduction in peroneal and sural nerves, respectively, and nervous conduction rate), glycoside hemoglobin and glycemia in blood, at the beginning and at the end of the treatment were measured.
“Also, clinical was taking into account. The results demonstrated improvements, in the ozone group, in some of the electrophysiologic parameters measured (significant increase in the amplitude value of the proximal and distal peroneal nerve for both legs and for the nervous conduction rate), while no improvement was achieved in the oxygen group.
“Patients of both groups referred, in their auto-evaluation, to feel better. Glycoside hemoglobin and glycemia pathologic initial values decrease significantly, up to normal values, after ozone treatment. No side effect was observed.”
Dr. Shallenberger’s findings pertain to only three patients, but they are nevertheless revealing and also support our discoveries at Healthy Healing, as the excerpts from Dr. Shallenberger’s report show. In diabetics,

Regarding the combination of ozone and chlation in the treatment of diabetes, Dr. Shallenberger has the following observations to make:
“Chelation improves blood circulation to the tissues, which mean they get more oxygen. This in turn improves their metabolic rate (or energy processing efficiency) and enables them to make better use of glucose, or blood sugar, When you have higher efficiency in using glucose, you are much closer to controlling the diabetes naturally… Using ozone, as stated above, helps the patient utilize the available oxygen better, due to improved circulation. Combining chelation with ozone in fact doubles the circulation benefits.”