In our blog, we have already published a number of posts dealing with the way that ozone works and its effectiveness, especially as a bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal agent (see for example posts of April 17th, June 9th, July 6th and August 17th, 2011). In today’s and tomorrow’s post, we will give an overview of all the clinical actions of ozone, based on the basic research that has been done over decades in Russia, at the State Medical Academy in Nizhny Novgorod. The emerging big picture is actually very encouraging, even more so because it is not based on mere anecdotal evidence, but on long years of basic research under the auspices of the Ministry of Health Services of a large country, known for the solidity and creativity of their scientists – in this case the Ministry of Health Services of the Russian Federation, and previously under the auspices of the same body of the now defunct USSR.
Mind you, even in Nizhny Novgorod they don’t treat all pathologies with ozone alone, but use it selectively where it is most effective. And that is the entire point. To try and overreach, thereby proclaiming ozone as a cure-all, is the defining characteristic of a charlatan; but so is the false claim, repeated over and over and coming from always the same quarters, in many cases paid for by special interest groups that, “ozone is toxic and should not be used in medicine.” This is rubbish, and pure misinformation, when even the famous Lester Packer of the University of California in Berkeley states that, “There is growing evidence that oxidants like many ros including ozone provide a mild oxidant stress, which under certain circumstances actually induce the formation of phase 1 and phase 2 enzymes, strengthening the antioxidant defense system through an adaptation process. Thus it would be rational that a mild treatment with ozone stimulates the antioxidant defense system…”
To apply ozone judiciously is the sign of good doctoring, because clearly, there is just too much evidence of its therapeutic effect, which in some areas is also vastly superior to all other approaches.
The following quote from the publication Ozone Therapy in Practice Health Manual by Professors Oleg Maslennikov and Claudia Kontorshchikova has been slightly edited and abbreviated for better readability.

“Ozone can produce different effects according to the chosen concentration and the way of its administration. In medical practice the most important are the following:
- Bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal – When applied externally in the form of a gaseous mixture or in ozonated solution it is recommended to use high ozone concentrations, which produce direct oxidative effect in the microorganism membrane. Ozone can destroy practically all kinds of bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. Gram-positive bacteria and capsular viruses with a lipid bio-layer are particularly sensitive to oxidation. The use of therapeutic ozone concentrations kills bacteria by indirectly activating the non-specific defense system (phagocyte activation, enhanced synthesis of cytokines-interferons, interleukin tumor necrosis factor) as well as components of cellular and humeral immunity. Evidence has been reported of partial oxidation of virus receptors that makes them incapable to virus binding. Besides, inhibition of reverse transcriptase enzyme was reported, which contributes to the destruction of the AIDS virus.
- Anti –inflammatory – This shows in ozone’s capacity to oxidize the compounds containing double bonds, arachidonic acid (20:4) and its derivatives – in particular prostaglandins. These biologically active substances participate in the development and sustaining of the process of inflammation. In addition, ozone regulates metabolic reactions in tissues at the place of inflammation and resolves pH. The efficacy of ozone therapy in bronchial asthma can be partially explained by the oxidation of double bonds in pathological compounds such as leukotrines, also derived arachidonic acid.
- Analagesic – this effect is produced by the oxidation of the products of albuminolysis, the so-called algo-peptides. They act on the nerve endings in the damaged tissue and determine how intense the pain is going to be. In addition, the pain relief is also caused by ozone’s normalizing of the antioxidant system and accordingly, by the decrease of the amount of toxic molecular products of lipid peroxidation on cellular membranes that are designed to modify the function of membrane inbuilt enzymes, which participate in ATP synthesis and in maintaining the vital activity of organs and tissues.
- Detoxification – This shows in the correction and activation of metabolic processes in the hepatic and renal tissues, thus ensuring their main function of neutralization and evacuation of the toxic compounds from the organs.