The reason for posting this blog is twofold. One: it is in answer to a comment, which was added recently to one of our previous postings (healthyhealingcentergoa.blogspot.com/2011/03/ozone-treatment-in-60-cases-of.html); and two, these days viruses make headlines that sow fear because of lack of understanding. Hardly anyone knows what viruses are and how they function – and how vulnerable they can also be. By experience, we know that we humans are not invincible when attacked by viruses, but neither are viruses. Once we understand them better, may be we then can also do something about the threat that they pose.
So. Here it goes…
“A few of the more recently occurring viruses are clearly “designer viruses”, purposefully created. Most viruses, however, spring off their own inherent strong adaptive capabilities. The epitome of the intercellular parasite, they have evolved through millions of years of cohabitation with their hosts, amazingly sophisticated structures, in addition to propagation and survival mechanisms. Some more recently evolved viruses are hepatitis C, hepatitis E, human herpes virus 6, 7, and 8, hanta virus, and morbilli virus, causing encephalitis. SARS is one of the latest ones on the block.” [Of course, since SARS made its appearance, in media frenzy several years ago, more and newer ones have got lots of press and on-screen time].
“Similar to heavy metal pollution that most often contains free radical particles made up of single ions searching for a “mate”, viruses could be likened to an incomplete cell, as they contain only RNA or DNA, unlike normal cells, which contain both. In order to replicate, a virion (the term for a mature viral particle capable of infecting other cells) must find a host cell to penetrate (read: invade!), in order to gather the needed DNA or RNA. When we become weak or overtired due to improper diet, lack of sleep, or lack of proper exercise, our cells in turn become weak and more prone to invasion. Which is why infection strikes more often in times of low immunity.”
“Two main types of viruses exist. Both have a nucleic acid core with a genetic blue print of either RNA or DNA, but always one or the other, not both. The two types of viruses also have a protective protein coating, called the capsid, which is rigid and determines the shape of the virus. The nucleic acid and the capsid together are referred to as the nucleo-capsid.”
Other viruses also have a surrounding membrane or further coating called an envelope, which gives the virus a spherical shape due to the fact that it is lose fitting and more flexible. Envelopes are made of lipid bi-layers that contain proteins. Certain proteins, in turn, incorporate carbohydrates, which are called glyco-proteins. These most often protrude out of the envelope as spikes, which are called peplomers. The peplomers are used to hook onto host cell receptors, in order to facilitate invasion of a cell.”
“Some viruses do not have an envelope and are referred to as naked viruses. They are usually transmitted by the intestinal (either fecal or oral route). Enveloped viruses that are attracted to a warm fluid medium prefer the comfort of bodily fluids, and are thus transmitted by such routes as blood transfusion, or sexual contact involving mucosa and fluid contact.”
“After viruses penetrate a new host, they spread throughout the circulatory system in both the blood and lymph, which are very much interconnected. A larger wave of viral particles carried throughout the system is called a viremic episode. The concentration of viral particles present in the system is a viral load. Recent research has shown that any reduction in the viral load will act as an advantage to the immune system and dramatically ease any clinical symptoms. While this may seem basic common sense, to certain scientists it was a revelation.”
“It seems obvious that an overload of mature virions would put stress on any system and call for immediate corrective measures.”
In general terms, this is how viruses work and proliferate within the body.