Steam Sauna Ozone Therapy


The steam sauna is one of the preferred methods in which ozone is delivered. The heat creates and artificial fever within the body which causes the body to produce more white blood cells. Along with this the ozone in the steam sauna enters the blood system through the skin’s pores and may help in the treatment of wide range of conditions such as, herpes, hepatitis, mononucleosis, cirrhosis of the liver, gangrene, cardiovascular disease, arteriosclerosis, high cholesterol, cancerous tumors, lymphomas, leukemia, rheumatoid and other arthritis, allergies, multiple sclerosis, ameliorates Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, proctitis, colitis, prostate, candadisis, trichomoniasis, open sores, eczema, fungus, Raynaud’s disease, stomatitis and phlebitis. The heat of the sauna should not be allowed to get above 104°F (40°C) as higher heat destroys ozone.

Of course, the use of the ozone steam sauna is not limited to treating diseases.  It can also be simply enjoyed as a great tool to stay healthy; to clean the skin of surface toxins, which we take on for example through exhaust fumes, and to subsequently making it look and feel more radiant and alive. The ozone steam sauna is both a therapy and a beauty aid, and thus very versatile in its applications.

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