Healing Crisis - A Passing Phenomenon


In the course of any series of chelation, oxygen healing, or even colon hydrotherapy, ionic footbath treatments and traditional juice fasting there arrives the moment when detoxification reactions are beginning to set in.  They are unavoidable and most often, they hurt or are at least somewhat uncomfortable.  But that they do so is also the point. The aim of detoxification is for the toxins to leave the body.  When they do, they make sure that you feel them exiting.  They act like your typical hangers-on in a bar at closing time.  When you want to get them out of the door they make you work for it a bit, and they make you feel that you do.   

Everyone knows that when alcoholics come off alcohol or drug addicts come off drugs the body sometimes exhibits violent withdrawal symptoms.  A comparable but much milder variety of detoxification symptoms usually also occur when environmental poisons such as heavy metals, other toxic residues stored in the fat cells of the body from prescription and over the counter medicines, toxic remnants of processed industrially manufactured foods, or caffeine and nicotine are eliminated by some specific therapy or other.

Headaches, chills, nausea, increased body odor, short bouts of fever, the reappearance of old aches and pains may and will make the client doubt the value of the therapy, as well as the change in lifestyle that he or she is in the process to initiate.  Some people then revert to their old coping methods, such as drinking and smoking, and eating junk food.  Which is unfortunate.  Because detoxification symptoms such as those mentioned above are just a passing phenomena.  They are NOT a disease, or sickness, but only a mirror and measure, of how sick and compromised with toxins the body has already become.  To be afraid of them and to turn back because of them means to interrupt the natural healing process.

When these symptoms occur, the physician needs to explain them well.  It is then up to the client to come to their own conclusion.  Sometimes clients even know what is happening.  I recently had someone at my clinic for a series of treatments, and when I introduced them to a new process, which they had not done before, they got sick with fever and signs similar to heavy food poisoning.

Their reaction was, “Doc, we are here on a vacation and want to feel good.  We know that what is happening now is but a heavy detox reaction in our bodies.  At this point we'd rather not go through it.  Now we want to relax, go to the beach, have some fun.  But we’ll come back when we are well rested at the end of our vacation for a week and complete the process.

Conscious choices free of fear and anxiety are good and healthy.  Clients who can make them are usually enjoying a more robust state of health than those who are afraid.

The main point is to be able to differentiate between detoxification symptoms and the signs of a disease.  This requires experience on the part of the therapist and in the client, trust. However, the client does not need so much to only trust the doctor, or the therapy.  What the client needs to trust most is his own dedication and ability to heal and to enjoy a wholesome and healthy life. 

Copyright 2011. All rights reserved.
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