Cleaning-Up the After Effects of “Silver” Amalgam Dental Fillings


Dentists throughout the world have used “silver” dental amalgams to fill cavities, for over a century. One such silver filling has a number of heavy metals in it. In other words, only approximately 35% of the amalgam is silver, whereas the mercury content is over 50%.  Various other heavy metals are also added such as Copper, Tin, Zinc and Nickel.  However, the highly toxic mercury makes up the most important part of the amalgam mixture.   Putting the amount of mercury present in an average filling into perspective, it has been calculated that a 4 feet fluorescent bulb (considered as a hazardous waste for disposal) has about 22 mg of mercury; but an average amalgam filling contains about 1000 mg of mercury.

The concept of “silver” fillings was first introduced in mid 19th century in the United States. Many dentists at the time were outraged and called it a criminal act to put such toxic poison into people’s mouth. However, being less expensive and easier to work with, silver fillings soon replaced gold for filling cavities.

In 1930’s a German Physician Dr Alfred Stock; showed that mercury escapes from the fillings in the form of dangerous vapors that readily get absorbed into the blood stream and carry the potential to cause significant medical damage. However, any efforts to raise a voice against the use of silver amalgams or to educate the existing and future doctors regarding the dangers of slow mercury poisoning from silver fillings were simply suppressed by special interests.  Now, the facts cannot be ignored any longer. In fact, the findings are so conclusive that the country of Norway has recently proceeded to outlaw the use of mercury based amalgam fillings!

The mercury contained in the fillings indeed continuously vaporizes into the air in the mouth, because of negative vapor pressure inside. The concentration increases while chewing, drinking hot beverages and during the brushing of teeth. The blood then carries the mercury to all organ systems including the brain and nervous system, where it gets deposited into the tissues. The symptoms of mercury poisoning may not become apparent immediately.  But when the mercury concentration in the tissues slowly increases, it stimulates changes in body chemistry and disrupts organ functioning.   Moreover, the effects of mercury poisoning can thus be felt in every system of the body.  The easiest way to recognize them is to categorize the symptoms as neurological and physical.

Common Neurological Symptoms
  • Depression
  • Memory Loss (“Spacing Out”)
  • Recurring Headaches
  • Frequent Bouts of Anger and Irritability
  • Inability to Concentrate
  • Anorexia

Common Physical Symptoms
  • Constipation/Diarrhea 
  • Abdominal Cramps
  • Persistent Dry Cough
  • Allergies/Asthma
  • Sinusitis/Runny or Stuffed Nose
  • Cold Clammy Skin
  • Excessive Perspiration
  • Joint Pains
  • Muscle Weakness
  • Dermatitis
  • Hearing Difficulties

The First Step – Dental Amalgam Removal
Because amalgam fillings are a major source of mercury toxicity in the body, the first step to cleanse oneself of mercury is to get rid of the silver amalgam fillings.  However, only a specialized dentist should be entrusted with the task to remove mercury fillings, as adequate safety measures need to be implemented for both the doctor and the patient.  The safety precautions are emphasized because in the process of drilling out the filling from the tooth, mercury vapors are formed in large amounts and carry a great potential to cause harm.

The Second Step – Neutralizing the Accumulated Side-Effects
The second step consists in detoxifying the tissues and organs immediately preceding and following mercury removal.  The body as a rule needs a great deal of assistance in the latter.  Thus, there exist various ways of mercury detoxification.

Practical Procedures for Neutralizing
The Side-Effects of Dental Amalgam
A three-pronged approach to release the negative impact of dental amalgam and dental amalgam removal comprises the following steps.  It has proven effective in many cases:
  1. To prescribe substances like Vitamin C, N- acetyl cysteine, Zinc Selenium, Glutathione, and other nutritional supplements beginning a few days before the actual removal of amalgam.
  2. Immediately following amalgam removal, give fresh cilantro juice (juice from freshly pressed green coriander) or chlorella, to help reduce absorption into body tissues of mercury released during the drilling of the amalgam.
  3. Follow up with a series of chelation treatments to remove mercury from the tissues and organs.

Chelation treatments following mercury amalgam removal help decrease the burden of mercury from the body tissues.  In addition, chelation treatments work towards the removal of other toxic heavy metals like nickel, arsenic, lead, etc. Once freed of mercury and other toxic metals, the body then has a better chance of healing itself from various diseases and ailments.

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