Dr. Rathna Alwa on: The Five Downfalls from Good Natural Health


When I started out on my own at Healthy Healing Center Goa as a detox specialist, my guiding principles besides the specific protocols of ozone and chelation therapy were to devise and apply appropriate measures to counteract the “Five Downfalls” from the grace of natural good health as described by Dr. Alwa.  These are the five aspects that pretty much define and cover all of the main problem areas.  They are preventing many of us from experiencing the natural happiness that goes along with being alive.  As long as we allow them to rule and regulate our metabolic processes and thereby our lives, they WILL keep us overly toxic and make us age prematurely.  They will also inevitably reduce the comfort and joy in our own bodies that we are experiencing now. 

Whenever we are motivated to regain the radiant presence of being that at one point in our lives most of us were naturally enjoying, we will have to address the issues of the toxicity of our entire bodymind system as expressed by:

·      Chronic malnutrition
·      Chronic dehydration
·      Chronic elimination problems
·      Chronic lack of oxygen and
·      Chronic lack of attention or awareness

As stated above, the list had been originally formulated in this concise way by Dr. Rathna Alwa from Bangalore and was later integrated and commentated by Paula Horan & Narayan Choyin Dorje in their book The 9 Principals of Self Healing – and is given in the table below.  As Choyin continues to contribute much of the writing to this blog, unbroken continuity connects the book with the Healthy Healing approach of today:

1.  Chronic Malnutrition
1.  Eat healthy (minimally 50% raw foods
2.  Chronic Dehydration
2. Drink plenty of liquid (especially lots of pure spring water minimally 3 liters or 2 quarts per day, but also juices, herbal teas, etc)
3.Chronic Elimination Problems
3.  Fast and do colonics periodically in order to thoroughly clean out the digestive eliminative tract and putrefaction of the colon
4. Chronic Hypoxia
4.  Exercise in the fresh air and take periodic ozone treatments to detoxify
5.  Chronic Resistance to feeling & honestly perceiving what is really happening in our lives, in other words: chronic lack of awareness
5.  Cultivate wonderment as you allow yourself to feel from your heart

A good way to start is by asking questions.  For example, are you still inexplicably hungry even though you just ate?  Or, after eating do you and your stomach feel 'full' or do you feel pleasantly satiated?  A lot of people eat a lot snacks, or even full meals at fast food outlets, but somehow leave hungry.  This indicates that the food that they have eaten has little or no nutritional value.  In other words, their food habits are in need of a reassessment. 

How much sugar, alcohol, caffeine and liquid rich in additives (like soft drinks) do you consume per day?  If it is more than half a liter, you are definitely in trouble, in the long run.  How much water do you drink?  How many cups of herbal teas?  If it is less than two liters, your system likewise will be in trouble.  Your body IS chronically dehydrated.  Drink some water, if you can afford it, without contaminants such as fluorides and other bad stuff they put into tap water these days.

How about bowel movements?  Ideally one after each meal.  If not, one or two every day. If you visit the restroom less often, you ARE suffering from chronic elimination problems, which very soon will cause many other problems.  One short paragraph is not enough to share with you what to do, but colon hydrotherapy and other cleansing measures would be a good start.

With the oxygen levels in big cities all over the world down to 30% of what they once were, we are all starved for oxygen - and so is each and every cell in our body.  We need to get moving.

And lastly, if you are sleepwalking through your own life, only dimly aware what is happening, overwhelmed by the outer circumstances that seem to dictate not only the pace of your life, but how you act and what you do without even thinking, then you are, like many of us, suffering from chronic lack of awareness.  Since awareness sharpens your senses and empowers you to see, feel and understand your own life, you would want to be more aware, less weighed down by routines, more perceptive.  Wouldn't it be nice to wake up and FEEL how alive you are, and filled with liveliness life can be?

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