Dr. Rathna Alwa On: Combining Ozone & Chelation In The Treatment of Vascular Diseases


The following excerpt is from the book Heal Yourself with Oxygen, which in English language is available only in India.  The book has been translated into German as well where it was published as Ozon – Der unsichtbare Heiler.  Dr. Alwa was the main source of information and her work also the inspiration to get the project going.  The author then put it in book form, with the help of other editors and background researchers.

We have chosen the following passage because it sums up succinctly the synergistic benefits of treating vascular disease with both ozone and chelation.  In the book, it is a bunch of theories that sound nice.  Fortunately, the theory has been confirmed time and again in practice, including in many series of treatments that I have given at Healthy Healing over the years.  We are therefore very grateful for the late Dr. Rathna Alwa’s pioneer work with ozone and chelation.

“This widely popular form of treatment induces EDTA, a chelation agent, which is composed of an amino acid quite similar to lemon juice, along with several other supporting substances by way of intravenous drip.  To sum up its various effects at the cellular and molecular level:

  • Removal of accumulated toxic metals;
  • Removal of metals which act as catalysts in free radical reactions;
  • Reduction of formation of lipid peroxides and hence formation of “plaque”;
  • Balancing of the prostaglandin metabolism and function that are atherosclerotic, involved in blood vessel contraction and dilation mechanisms, hormonal balance and other homeostatic mechanisms;
  • Reduction of cross-linkages of proteins and hence, improvement of tissue elasticity and slowing down of the aging process;
  • Balancing of the platelet function and hence reduction of thrombosis formation;
  • Induction of para-hormonal pulses facilitating removal of calcium from metastatic calcific deposits (as in plaque) while encouraging deposition in osteoporotic bones.

These effects, marvelous in and of themselves, work faster and with greater efficacy when EDTA-chelation and ozone treatments are done alternately.   Together they work synergistically, rather than simply as an addition of their respective benefits:

  • Chelation reduces the ongoing free radical damage and gives the body a chance to heal itself, which infers that the maximum benefit is received up to after three months after the actual treatment.  At the same time, tri-atomic-oxygen boosts the anti-oxidant defenses, removes offending toxins and improves the general health of all the cells in the body, thereby supporting an overall healing process.

  • As stated above, chelation balances platelet and prostaglandin functions, while ozone reduces RBC clumping and supplies O2, thus reducing hypoxia. 

In all vascular diseases, the crux of the matter is reduction of vessel patency and its resultant lack of oxygen in the tissue.  Ozone and chelation when used together clearly have a major role to play in this arena.  In fact, thousands of heart patients have found chelation therapy to be a healthy alternative to bypass surgery.  Twenty to thirty chelation drips, done alone or on alternate days with ozone treatments in between, have been found to create clear passage in otherwise blocked arteries, making dangerous invasive surgery unnecessary.  For anyone over forty years of age, chelation drips composed of EDTA and a number of vitamins return a sense of youthful vigor and health in a very short amount of time.  Physicians using EDTA, however, need to be trained to properly monitor kidney function due to the large volume of waste, which is released from the system by chelation therapy."

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