Four Phases of Cleansing in Chelation Therapy


Phase one: First few sessions of Chelation therapy (say three to five) Usually are the most difficult ones. One goes through various cleansing reactions, the intensity of which varies in every individual depending on their health status, dietary habits and life style. The most common reactions include tiredness, headache, gastric upset, sometimes loose stools, dizziness etc. The symptoms are temporary and do not last more than 24 hours after the Chelation session.

Phase two: After first few intense sessions, usually the symptoms subside completely or decrease in intensity so that there after Chelation sessions leave one slightly tired and lazy for the rest of the day. This can last for few more sessions to as long as the course lasts.

Phase three: After about ten to fifteen days of the first session, first signs of improvement in the form of increased vitality, and clarity of sensory perceptions may begin to show up. These signs are usually more obvious in patients who are pretty toxic and weak at the beginning of the treatment. There could be some other improvements for example, the minor ailments like irritating dry cough (which refuses to go away on its own or with anti tussives) may disappear to one’s surprise, as has been witnessed at Healthy Healing Center.

Phase four: This phase comes about six to ten weeks after the course of Chelation therapy. Here one gradually starts to notice beneficial effects of the detoxification through Chelation therapy in a more detailed manner. Usually the health benefits felt at this point are solely individual and every person has a different story to tell. Still to generalize on the basis of patient reports; improvement in overall health status, improvement in skin texture, increased joint flexibility and decrease or complete healing of joint pains (e.g. knee pain, back pain), weight reduction in overweight individuals, improved fertility and sexual potency etc. The specific health benefits vary in each based on individual health status. For more details please see the testimonial section or the Chelation therapy section.

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