5 Years of Personal Experience with Taking Chelation


This year I am starting my third series of chelation sessions at Healthy Healing, and I thought it might be helpful for some if I went on sharing with others my experience with the long-term effects of the treatments.  Because after all, it only makes sense to do things that work.  If the proof of a pudding is in the eating, the proof of a medical treatment is in its palpable effects.

My first series of chelations happened in the winter 2005/06. Back then I must have taken in all between 15 and 17 treatments. In the beginning the experience was uncomfortable, for moments even painful, as the doctor had not yet discovered that she could add some analgesic to the cocktail of chelation ingredients in the saline solution.  However, in the longer run the slight discomfort or even pain did not count for anything, whereas the benefits were lasting and, come to think of it, actually quite dramatic.

I had been a smoker for most of my life since age 14 (with a few years of break here and there) and I was 55 when I did my first chelations.  I had always come back to smoking after a few months as a non-smoker before.  Not so in 2006.  It appears the habit was kicked for good, and the way I see it, the in-depth detoxification of the system must have contributed to that.  Even more dramatic was the switch from the overall feeling about life through the lens of a low-level depression (which for many is the normal state of affairs these days) to a feeling of vigor and a renewed sense of creativity.  I started writing on a 700-page book, I wrote lots of small pieces on the side, and I have never been happier in my relationship as well as other aspects of my private life.   

Now, this is probably not due solely to the therapy, after all chelation is an amino acid drip, nothing more, nothing less - and not a miracle drug! I also meditate regularly and sometimes do Tibetan yoga.  But I had done these things before chelation, and everything flowed easier after chelation, the main benefits actually manifesting 4 to 6 weeks after the treatments had come to an end.

I then took a second series of chelations in April/May 2008.  There was no discomfort and no pain at all.  I took fewer treatments, at the most ten, and the benefits that manifested were less dramatic as well.  However it might be noteworthy that even though I now was older by a few years, I still felt the same level of vitality.  I even did what some might consider foolish for someone my age later that same year, but have not lived to regret it! 

Let me add that I am in no way a health freak.  Although I am moderate in my habits I enjoy wine and beer socially, even regularly, and I have no patience for dieting.  I eat what I like when I like it.  The only eateries that I do not frequent are chain restaurants like the outfits with the golden arches, mostly because what can be purchased at their counters, for my tongue, tastes like cardboard warmed over.  I am not I the habit of wasting money on tasteless mush.  Besides the chain restaurant hamburgers have about 5% beef in them, but 95% substitute stuff, including lots of artificial flavoring that creates the illusion of eating beef.  Me, if I want illusions I daydream of go to the movies!

Recently, I started with my third series of chelations.  This time the detoxifying effects are stronger again, and so is the sense of bouncing back from a slump of low energy.  I am now 60 but do not have to make an effort of feeling 10 to 20 years younger (besides what fun would it be if one had to make an effort, or strain oneself to ‘appear younger').  I am very interested in the world, in experiencing ‘my’ senses, ‘my’ immediate environment, ‘my’ body and ‘my’ mind (which are all far more flexible and open and far less ego-bound than one usually assumes, which is why the word 'my' is put in apostrophes). 

The only thing I have difficulty tolerating are the many destructive and self-destructive games I am seeing going on around me, be it on the large scale of world politics, or the small family size scale, or even inside an individual.  It makes me sick and sad to watch any kind of self-destructiveness (like an adolescent gets sick in the face of so-called ‘adult behavior’, short for ‘hypocrisy’).  But unlike a teenager I do not get overly indignant or angry.  Rather I go on practicing and working.  To argue with peoples’ concepts and limitations IS one of the greatest wastes of energy.

To sum it all up, in the 5 years that I have been connected to Healthy Healing, I have never been sick, except for a few colds and one incident of violent food poisoning, which quickly subsided after only one ozone treatment. 

I am very happy that my parents taught me that an ounce of prevention is indeed worth more than a pound of care.  Chelation, I believe works best in preventative care, or should I say, easiest.  I have also seen it working in others who were suffering from many different and unpleasant, even crippling chronic conditions.  For me, it has always given me my energy back.  For others, as I have observed, it has even given them their life back.

Matthias Dehne (Choyin Dorje)
Author of Das Yoga-Neti Buch, co-author of Satsangs der Selbstbefreiung and 9 Principles of Self-Healing

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