Dr. John Diamond’s and My Own Case of Colon Hydrotherapy for Patients with Unbalanced Diets


Recently a patient sought my help who was not ill, but felt as if he were: low on energy, extremely sluggish and what he described as “if carrying a load of rocks” in his belly.  The man was in his mid-40s, very successful in life, definitely the “I-can-make-it-happen” type.  When he came to see me, however, he appeared a bit subdued.  He also voiced fears that he might turn seriously ill in the future, if the downward trend continued.  This client had specifically flown to India for the purpose of health tourism.  He had taken treatments at a spa and, because of a lack of results thereafter came to consult me.

He had no history of alcohol or substance abuse.  His only lifestyle “sin” so to speak, so far had been his eating habits.  We quickly established that to date he mostly liked meat.  Actually, meat was the only diet he knew with a little bit of starches on the side, and a few sweets here and there for dessert and in-between.  Thus, his diet had always been extremely unbalanced.  However, other than about feeling heavy and less enthusiastic and focused in his business, he voiced no complaints.

This is similar, albeit less severe than a case that Dr. John Diamond described for the Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients a few years ago. John, of course, is none other than the famous Dr. Diamond who co-authored the best-selling An Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide to Cancer.

Dr. Diamond’s patient was in a worse state than mine.  Instead of being a meat eater she had been a sugar junkie.  She described her diet as totally carbohydrates, with hardly any protein or fat.  According to Dr. Diamond she consequently displayed a variety of symptoms: chronic fatigue, irregular menstruation, migraines, constipation, yeast infections among other complaints.  She also had a history of chronic sinusitis, which she had tried to overcome with countless repeated courses of antibiotics.

To help her Dr. Diamond first tried a variety of approaches, but the one that finally set the healing process in motion, was a series 12 of colonic irrigations (three times weekly for four weeks).  The migraines disappeared, and so did the sinusitis.  The periods became regular again.  The colonic treatments would have still helped, but the same problems would have inevitably resurfaced, if in addition the client had not changed her eating habits from mostly carbohydrates to a restrictive protein diet.  She also continued to have colon hydrotherapy sessions once a month and noticed over time that her vigor and stamina eventually was completely restored.

My client fared similarly.  To combat his chronic fatigue and lack of energy, we decided on an intense short term detoxification protocol lasting three weeks and involving six colonic irrigation sessions, plus several intravenous ozone drips, ozone steam saunas, as well as a few of Renita Braganza’s (http://healthyhealingcentergoa.blogspot.com/2011/02/secrets-of-successful-bodywork.html) superb deep tissue and Ayurvedic Siddha Marma massages.

In the end he left a very content man.  After the three weeks were over, he had lost over 13 pounds from his waist.  Gone was the potbelly, and the chronic fatigue only a faint memory.  He also decided to change his diet and start exercising regularly.  We don’t know if or if not such happened after his return to Europe, but to me he had always come across as a man of his word.

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