Dr. Richard Knight on Colon Hydrotherapy


For every therapist, it is always helpful to consider other experts’ views on therapeutic fine points and insights.  Likewise it helps the layman to get the message when it is couched in different words and presented from different angles.  This helps to better understand the process.  This is why for today’s posting we chose to quote from Dr. Richard Knight’s extensive presentation of a professional approach to colon hydrotherapy.

Though not a prolific author, Richard has worked for many years in the helping professions.  Besides holding a doctorate in psychotherapy and counseling he contributed as a manager, teacher, trainer, lecturer and consultant.  Furthermore, he was one of the founding members of the Association of Natural Medicine in the UK, and has conducted training courses nationally for central government departments.  He has authored a professional practitioner’s manual on colon hydrotherapy and a short introductory guide on how to practice natural medicine.  Richard sums up the purpose of colon hydrotherapy as follows:

“The purpose of colon hydrotherapy is the removal of toxic waste material, including: impacted feces, accumulated mucous, parasites, worms and unfriendly bacteria.  The gentle filling of and emptying of water into and from the colon improves muscular contraction (peristalsis) and elimination.  This treatment process helps to restore the colon to health and consequently enables it to perform all of its functions more efficiently.”

“In a single treatment session approximately 50 liters of water will be used to gently flush the colon and through the use of stomach massage and the use of pressure points the therapist will facilitate the elimination of toxic waste.”

“The colon muscles contract and relax expelling liquid, gas and waste into the rectum, creating a feeling of the need to empty, which as the patient relaxes will follow as normal.  The therapist will appreciate the sensitivity of the procedure and will help the patient to feel at ease…”

“Colon hydrotherapy treatments are pleasant, painless and discreet.  If painful experiences happen they usually result from the patient being tense and resistant to the treatment.  The skilled therapist will minimize discomfort by putting the patient at ease.  There is intrinsically no danger in colon hydrotherapy, which essentially is a natural process.  Moreover, the patient’s modesty is preserved and maintained at all times…”

“The number of treatments required will vary from patient to patient and be dependent upon the treatment goals.  For example a course of treatments in order to improve the health of the colon and to address various symptoms may require a series of treatments…  The therapist will plan with the patient suggested requirements, the recommended number of treatments, and expected outcomes.  Remember, toxicity is not limited to the colon but is found throughout the body, especially in fatty tissue, joints, arteries, the liver, muscles, and where there is inflammation.”

“By cleansing the colon, the elimination of toxins from the lungs, skin, kidneys, and liver will be enhanced, and common signs of toxicity such as headaches, backaches, fatigue, lethargy, halitosis, skin conditions, irritability, and all the associated conditions found in the colon will be improved.”

“Every system in the body is connected to the colon by reflex points.  The action of the water and gentle massage will affect the corresponding parts of the body therapeutically…  There is some evidence to show the use of laxatives can create a dependency.  There is no evidence to show that colon hydrotherapy is habit forming… The role of colon hydrotherapy is not simply to empty the bowel, but with water entering and flushing its length is to produce a well-functioning bowel.”

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