Heavy Metal Detoxification Treatment Protocol Before During and After Mercury Dental Amalgam Removal


As it has been shown many times over through plenty of research and in the form of painful personal experience how poisonous mercury dental amalgam fillings really are, an individual often will want to replace them.  This step is in any case a good idea.  However, simply removing the fillings without additional precautions will not do; and neither will, ignoring the dangers involved in the process.  In terms of speed and complexity, much will depend on the mercury toxicity, and overall heavy metal toxicity of the person seeking treatment.

For example, someone with only several mercury fillings, especially if these haven’t been crowned over and no signs of mercury toxicity in the body, will be able to complete the treatment more quickly than someone who has had many fillings for many years, while also showing signs of mercury toxicity like frequent outbreaks of Candida, chronic fatigue and so forth.  Therefore, the first step in a protocol for removing mercury fillings should be to conduct proper testing like hair metal analysis.  And this is, indeed, the first step: hair metal analysis and complete blood analysis.  These will reveal the level of toxicity and thereby help determine the preparatory steps as well as how many teeth can be removed, and what intervals need to be observed in between treatments.

However, before, the actual removal can start the body has to be prepared for the effects of the detoxification about to happen, through appropriate nutritional supplementation.  The antioxidant level needs to be raised, liver and kidney function strengthened for the proper elimination of heavy metals and other toxins.  Although there are some general guidelines the prescriptions may vary quite a bit from patient to patient.  Also, there are different approaches, for example the homeopathic approach, the herbal approach, and cleansing with the help of colon hydrotherapy as well as intravenous and oral chelating agents.  It is this latter approach that we apply at Healthy Healing Center Goa.

We closely cooperate with the dentist, and first determine the number and succession of treatments.  In other words, a treatment plan is established.  Nutritional supplementation typically will start four weeks before the removal of the fillings, to be intensified during the week prior to the first dental appointment. 

Also before the first dental appointment at least one colon hydrotherapy session and one IV chelation will be given together with an oral chelator that specifically targets mercury toxicity.  Once the dental treatment starts, filling removal and accompanying treatments will be given on alternate days.  However, for some cases, several days will have to pass in between dental treatments.  Both liver and kidney need lots of support so that they can handle the flushing out of toxins from the system. 

A typical treatment protocol, during the removal phase will take 10 days to three weeks, plus prep time of one month and after care of another month, with more supplementation in order to phase out the detoxification the body has to undergo when mercury dental amalgam fillings are removed,

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