Paula Horan in “The 9 Principles of Self-Healing” on Proper Nutrition


“The first key to good health and vibrant aliveness addresses the need to eat healthy foods that are rich in nutritional value.  One of the co-authors of this book has cured herself of three tumors with Gerson therapy or raw food diet.  The raw live enzymes in uncooked food provide the basis for a healthy immune system.  Before his death in 1959 at the age of 78, Dr. Max Gerson helped hundreds of patients heal themselves of advanced tuberculosis, heart disease, and cancer with his special raw food diet.  His most famous patient was Nobel Laureate Dr. Albert Schweitzer, whom he cured of advanced diabetes when Schweitzer was 75.  Schweitzer then lived past 90.  Numerous cases of both chronic and infectious diseases have been easily cured with raw food diet.  It is simply a matter of discipline.”

“Diet can also have a profound effect on depression.  In his time one of the worlds leading authorities on nutrition and biological medicine, Dr. Paavo Airola had great success in treating both simple and clinical depression with nutritional therapy.  He recommended a thorough examination by a competent physician who would give tests for endocrine gland function, glucose tolerance, and mineral levels taken from the hair.  Airola would then recommend certain nutritional supplements such as vitamins or minerals to compensate for the given deficiencies in the patient.” 

“Paavo Airola was also a great admirer of Dr. Benjamin Feingold’s work with hyperactive children.  Feingold found that the “trigger factors” of many behavior problems are directly related to poor nutrition.  He found that highly processed, man-made foods with artificial colors and flavors, and other additives and preservatives are the culprit for hyperkinesis (hyperactivity).  White flour and sugar also contribute to the condition, along with bad drugs, allergies, caffeine containing beverages such as soft drinks, chocolate, tea, and coffee.”

“Colas are some of the most deleterious beverages for human consumption, which tax the naturally alkaline human body with high acidity.  The high acidity in colas damages the stomach, pancreas and liver, which effects then lead to peptic ulcers, diabetes, and severe lack of energy.  In order to neutralize the high acidity the body summons a strong alkali-calcium hydroxide, which is present in bones.  The alkali-calcium hydroxide does indeed rapidly neutralize the invasive acid, preventing damage in other organs.  However, regular assaults lead to osteoporosis and osteomalcia, which have reached epidemic proportions in the developed world where generations of children and adults have imbibed soft drinks and especially colas on a regular basis for almost a century.”

“All of the flavoring, coloring and preservative agents that cannot be thrown out by the human body, accumulate and often cause cancer.  The high sugar content in cola and other soft drinks causes major over-stimulation of the glands in the carbohydrate metabolism.  This triggers first a surge of energy as the carbohydrate rapidly gets metabolized, and then severe depression/exhaustion as important body chemicals are depleted.  The continuous cycle of repeated excitation and exhaustion by heavy cola drinkers leads to mood swings, lack of concentration and initiative – and in children often to hyperactivity.”

“With the parents of 7% of America’s school children being encouraged by teachers to put their children on Ritalin, a very serious and dangerous drug, does it not make more sense to simply change their diet and give them the love they need?  In some cases, the hyperactivity could also be alleviated, if teachers were allowed to work with a more interesting and challenging curriculum, which in turn would encourage students to learn how to think for themselves instead of being forced to memorize prefabricated (and in many cases meaningless) answers.” 

“A report by Jon Rappaport states: “800,000 American children are prescribed a cheap form of speed, called Ritalin.  This drug is given for a bogus condition called ADD (attention deficit disorder).  Ritalin eventually causes(!) hyperactivity and depression, can cause acute withdrawal symptoms, and also an amphetamine-like psychosis.  Ritalin makes children into drug addicts.”  It is sad when you realize that all of this could be avoided by a simple, nutritional diet, with a lower sugar-content and free of chemicals.”

“Bad diet is a major contributing factor to degenerative disease.  As far back as 1945, a publication of the U.S. Soil Conservation Service stated, “ The United States produces more food than any other nation in the world, yet according to Dr. Thomas Parran Jr., 40 % of the population suffer from malnutrition.”  The problem as he described it, was due to the extensive depletion of minerals in the country’s soil.  One can only imagine how the soil is now, over seventy years later.”

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