The Four Simple Steps of Healthy Healing


Healthy Healing is a 4-step process for achieving a clean bill of health and also the place, in Anjuna, where we implement these four steps and coach you how you can rely on your own resources. 

At Healthy Healing, the role of the doctor is that of both a physician and health coach.  The doctor doesn’t just write out prescriptions. She actually listens, explains tests and procedures in detail and works with you.

In any event, if you want to be vibrantly alive from now into your old age, you’d be well advised to follow the 4-step proces:

  1. Recognize how you presently feel and your overall state of health; in other words: know yourself.
  2. Enquire as to what harmful aspects are troubling you and what healing aspects are lacking; in other words; know your ‘enemies’ and ‘allies’.
  3. Unload what needs to be removed in order to permit your body to heal – and you to feel rejuvenated; in other words: let go what you don’t want and find your own balance.
  4. Nurture wellbeing by sustaining a lifestyle conducive to long life and good health; in other words: find and cultivate through taking action the meaning that you want your life to have.  

Healthy Healing is thus good for your body because all treatments are free of side effects, and even remove the residual side effects of previous medications. 

Likewise, Healthy Healing is good for the mind as it engages you and draws you in as a whole person, with all your faculties – in order to help you live joyfully and meet your days and tasks with enthusiasm.

Copyright 2011. All rights reserved.
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