Co-Enzyme Q10 (CoQ10) in the Treatment of Angina


The heart specialist and medical educator, Stephen T. Sinatra M.D. put together the following synopsis on the research data available regarding the action of Co-Enzyme Q10 in the treatment of angina pectoris.  It is from his book The Co-Enzyme Q10 Phenomenon.  In addition, Dr Sinatra wrote more than a dozen books, some specifically on heart disease and the psychological aspects involved in heart disease, like Reverse Heart Disease Now and The Sinatra Solution. Being a heart specialist, the way he uses CoQ10 differs from the way I use it.  He prescribes it in order to specifically strengthen heart function. 

In my capacity as a specialist in more generally applicable detoxification and rejuvenation procedures, I also have my share of heart patients who come to me because they have heard that I give chelation therapy.  However, it is not only to them that I prescribe CoQ10.  As a matter of fact, I give it to most of my patients because of CoQ10’s bio-energetic function.  Co-Q10 is one of the compounds found in the body and in certain foods that support the energy in the cells, and thus cellular function.  The health of the body depends on the healthy function of the cells of the body.  This is why I make use of CoQ10 so frequently: According to available research data, CoQ10 is involved in the reactions in at least three mitochondrial enzymes, and thereby in the production of the high-energy phosphate compound necessary to fuel all cellular functions.

From this the value of CoQ10 for detoxification and rejuvenation procedures can be easily deducted.  But as we can glance from the paragraphs below, CoQ10 can as well be applied to counteract the effects of specific illnesses, such as angina pectoris.  Once we have a grasp on CoQ10’s overall action we can more easily understand its therapeutic effect on specific conditions.  Which is also why, in some sense, the demand for further research becomes a mute point.  We do already know how it works. The rest is medical politics, not so much concern for medical science.

“Coenzyme Q10 has been found to be effective in several small studies of patients with angina pectoris.  In Japan, Dr. T. Kamikawa and associates conducted a double-blind crossover study of 12 patients with stable angina… [His] team documented that CoQ10 treatment resulted in changes in three areas compared to placebo:

  • A reduction in the frequency of anginal episodes
  • A 54% decrease in the number of times nitroglycerine was taken
  • An increased exercise time on treadmill testing

“In the 1994 study by Schardt et al., fifteen patients with chronic stable angina were enrolled in another double-blind crossover trial.  Participants took 600mg of CoQ10, placebo or a combination of anti-anginal drugs (beta blockers and nitrates).  Results of the three interventions were compared.  Treatment of CoQ10 showed a significant reduction in exercise induced electro cardiographic abnormalities on stress testing when compared to the placebo.  There was no difference on the stress test EKGs when CoQ10 was compared to standard anti-anginal agents.  In this study, a reduction in exercise systolic blood pressure was seen during CoQ10 supplementation without any changes in diastolic blood pressure heart rate.”

“Why exercise capacity is improved after CoQ10 administration is not fully understood.  Several mechanisms are possible.  First of all there is the fact that CoQ10 has beneficial effects on oxidative phosphorylation, the process by which metabolic energy is released for cellular functions.  Or perhaps CoQ10’s anti-anginal action is the result of enhanced re-synthesis of ATP, a direct membrane protection, a reduction in free radical stress or perhaps all of the above in combination…”

“When I treat people with angina, I usually recommend CoQ10 in a dose range of 90mg to 180mg in combination with anti-anginal agents, particularly for patients who have failed to get enough protection from conventional anti-anginal treatments.  Sometimes, I have even used 240mg to 360mg in patients who have not responded to the lower dosages.  Because my patients have been able to enjoy the benefit of a more active lifestyle from CoQ10 supplementation, I believe it to be a safe and effective treatment.  With no significant adverse effects, CoQ10 is an exciting additional strategy for patients with angina pectoris.” 


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