Ozone Steam Sauna


Quite a few benefits have been reported as a result of ozone steam sauna, or steam bath application.  We want to list only some of them. 

For example in a case of shingles, the sores diminished even after the first treatment and subsequently vanished altogether after several more treatments.

Another success story is with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), particularly when combined with a full protocol of detoxification.  It has some benefits here, because in most cases CFS is due to a toxic overload in the system: because of environmental toxins; because of additives and preservatives in the diet; and because of exposure to and intake of too many traces of heavy metals.

According to a specialist from London, various “skin diseases are another area where the steam sauna method really shines.  Because the ozone can work directly on the skin to heal the lesions and detoxifies the body at the same time, my experience is that conditions such as eczema and psoriasis improve very fast.  People usually notice the severity reducing within about three sessions.”

One time I had a client who burned herself by inadvertently touching the steam pipe before entering the sauna.  We applied a lavish amount of ozone oil on the burn (which only hurt for a moment and later neither blistered nor scarred). She was even eager to continue with her treatment despite the mishap.  In many cases, ozone steam bath and the application of ozonated oil work perfectly well together to relieve a skin problem.  

The ozone steam sauna is helpful in cases of arthritis, but does not act like a magic wand. The impact will depend on the combination of mostly three factors: severity of the condition, length of time since the disease has become chronic, and frequency of treatments (in a multi-pronged approach).

Many take a series of ozone saunas for the purpose of feeling and looking better.  This is actually a valid preventive therapeutic concern.   As taking an ozone sauna will speed up your metabolism, it will also burn fat at a much higher rate. This leaves the skin tighter, toner, softer, healthier, and more flexible.    You'll feel good about yourself, and as a a matter of fact, people who feel good about themselves and their lives tend to stay healthier than those who have issues with their looks and their lives… 

Yes, ozone saunas make your skin look more vibrant and alive! 

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