Ozone Therapy and Immune System


The following is an excerpt from the book Heal Yourself with Oxygen that gives a broad overview over the interaction between ozone and the immune system.  This interaction is one of the reasons why in many cases ozone can improve a variety of complaints and conditions.  A more fine-tuned description of the processes involved will be published in a later blog.

“Ozone rejuvenates the immune system’s ability to modulate and stimulate the body. It does this by improving the blood flow (oxygen’s liquidating property), improving the metabolism of quinines, activating enzymes such as free radical scavengers and also by activating the mitochondria respiration chain.”

“Concerning the modulation and stimulation of the immune system by ozone, it has been shown that substances called interleukins are produced in larger numbers by T4 lymphocytes. One of these substances, interleukin 2, stimulates the production of B-lymphocytes; these in turn produce specific antibodies. Interleukins also act as inter cellular messengers for better communication between the cells. This communication is important. One of the theories about the cause of the severity of AIDS is that it is this communication between the cells that has failed, rather than the total failure of the immune system. From this it can be deduced that ozone is the treatment for AIDS.”

“Ozone also stimulates the production of tumor necrosis factor (TNF). Other proven biochemical effects of ozone are the stimulation of free radical scavenging enzymes, the improvement of the blood flow by loosening red blood cell clumping, and the increase of the glucose metabolism of the red blood cells, which enables improved oxygen release.”

“Ozone also activates the redox (oxidation-reduction) system of the mitochondria respiration chain. Just as the formation of energy (ATP) requires oxygen, so too does the oxidation-reduction cycle, in which the O1 in ozone combines with metabolic wastes to be eliminated from the body. Ozone can also act in conjunction with most commonly used therapeutics of cancer such as radiation and chemotherapy making the tumors more sensitive to radiation, if one insists on using these methods… “

“It is diseased cells, such as HIV tainted ones that have lowered titers such as was mentioned in the discussion of the cells’ reaction to a virus. This means the protein coating of a diseased cell is different from a healthy one. It is weaker due to the parasite within the cell, which drains it of its life force or cellular electricity. The weaker charge marks or “red flags” the cell as different, which then attracts the good free radical O1to oxidize or burn up the damaged cell.”

"Simultaneously the O2 in Ozone supports the healthy blood cells, oxygenating them, and supporting the production of ATP."

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